1. Soula, S., J. Mlynarczyk, M. Füllekrug, N. Pineda, J.-F. Georgis, O. van der Velde, J. Montanyà and F. Fabro (2017), Dancing sprites: detailed analysis of two case studies, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., DOI: 10.1002/2016JD025548.
  2. Guha, A.; Williams, E.R.; Boldi, R.; Satori, G.; Nagy, T.; Bór, J.; Montaña, J.; Ortega, P. Aliasing of the Schumann resonance background signal by sprite-associated Q-bursts, Journal of atmospheric and solar-terrestrial physics. 165-166, pp. 25 - 37. 12/2017. DOI:  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jastp.2017.11.003.
  3. Lopez, J.; Pineda, N.; Montaña, J.; Van Der Velde, O.; Fabro, F.; Romero, D. (2017), Spatio-temporal dimension of lightning flashes based on three-dimensional Lightning Mapping Array. Atmospheric research. 197, pp. 255 - 264.  15/10/2017. DOI:  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosres.2017.06.030


  1. J. Montanyà, Lightning interactions and damages to wind turbines, SICEL, IX Simp. Intl. de la Calidad Energía Eléctrica, Bucaramanga, Colombia, November 1-3, 2017.
  2. J. Montanyà, Overview of lightning interaction and damages to wind turbines, INMR World Congress, Sitges, Spain, November 5-8, 2017.
  3. Salvador A., J. Montanyà, G. Solà and O. van der Velde, Potential of the lightning mapping array for the nowcasting of severe weather, 2nd European Nowcasting Conference, Offenbach Germany, May 3-5, 2017.
  4. Serge Soula, Janusz Mlynarczyk, Martin Füllekrug, Nicolau Pineda, Jean-François Georgis, Oscar van der Velde, Joan Montanyà, and Ferran Fabro, Characteristics of lightning flashes generating dancing sprites above thunderstorms, EGU General Assembly 2017, 9337, 2017.
  5. Francisco J. Gordillo-Vazquez, María Passas, Justo Sánchez, Francisco J. Pérez-Invernón, Alejandro Luque, Oscar van der Velde, and Joan Montanyà, High-resolution spectra of sprites and halos with GRASSP, EGU General Assembly 2017, 4611, 2017.
  6. Oscar van der Velde, Joan Montanyà, Jesús Alberto López, and Nicolau Pineda, Mapping of thunderstorm charge structures by automated lightning leader speed analysis of Lightning Mapping Array data: applications and statistics, 9th European Conf. on Severe Storms, ECSS 2017, 18–22 September 2017, Pula, Croatia.
  7. A.Salvador, N. Pineda, J. Montanyà, G. Solà and O. van der Velde, Exploring thunderstorm patterns related to severe weather with Lightning Mapping Array data, 9th European Conference on Severe Storms, 108, 18–22 September 2017, Pula, Croatia.
  8. Montanyà, J., O. van der Velde and F. Fabrò, Simultaneous emissions of X-rays and microwaves from long laboratory sparks and natural lightning leaders, 2017 AGU Fall Meeting, AE32A-05, 2017
  9. Williams, E.R., et al., J. Montanyà, Verification of a Schumann Resonance Inversion Method for Global Lightning Activity in Absolute Units, 2017 AGU Fall Meeting, AE13A-2221, 2017
  10. O. van der Velde, J. Montanyà and Jesús A. López, Automated analysis of lightning leader speed, local flash rates and electric charge structure in thunderstorms, 2017 AGU Fall Meeting, AE11A-05, 2017.
  11. J. Montanyà, VHF emissions and video records from positive lightning flashes producing ELF Q-bursts, 1st Intl. Symp. On Lightning Phys. and Lightning Meteorology (ISLP&M2017), Beijin, China, September 23-26, 2017.
  12. Williams, E., Montanyà, et al., Rigorous Validation of a Schumann Resonance Method for Global Lightning Mapping in Absolute Units, 1st International Symposium on Lightning Physics and Lightning Meteorology (ISLP&M2017), Beijing, China, September 23-26, 2017.
  13. J. Montanyà and O. van der Velde, Development of airborne methods for atmospheric electricity measurements at the UPC, The Batsheva de Rothschild Seminar on The Atmospheric Global Electric Circuit (GEC), Mitzpe Ramon, Israel, 5-10 February, 2017.