

  1. O. Van der Velde, Á. Mika, S. Soula, C. Haldoupis, T. Neubert and U. S. Inan. (2006), Observations of the relationship between sprite morphology and in-cloud lightning processes, J. Geophys. Res., 111, D15203, doi:10.1029/2005JD006879.
  2. T. Neubert, T. H. Allin, E. Blanc, T. Farges, C. Haldoupis, A. Mika, S. Soula, L. Knutsson, O. van der Velde, R. A. Marshall, U. Inan, G. Sátori, J. Bór, A. Hughes, A. Collier, S. Laursen and I. L. Rasmussen (2005), Co-ordinated observations of transient luminous events during the EuroSprite2003 campaign, J. Atm. Solar-Terr. Phys., 67, 807-820.
  3. Montanyà, J., Bergas, J., Hermoso, B . Electric field measurements at ground level as a basis for Lightning hazard warning, Journal of Electrostatics, Volume 60, Issues 2–4, 241–246, 2004.



  1. J. Montanyà, N. Pineda, V. March, a. Illa, D. Romero, G. Solà, Experimental evaluation of the catalan lightning detection network, 19th International Lightning Detection Conference, (EEUU), 2006.
  2. J. Montanyà, N. Pineda, S. Soula, V. March, Total lightning activity and electrostatic field in a hailbearing thunderstorm in Catalonia, 19th International Lightning Detection Conference, (EEUU), 2006.
  3. S. Soula, O. Van der velde, J. Montanyà,  Analysis of thunderstorm systems and lightning activity associated with sprites ASIM science workshop, (Netherlands), 2006.
  4. O. van der Velde, W. A. Lyons, S. A. Cummer, T. Nelson, Analysis of the First Gigantic Jet Recorded From the Continental United States, Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, USA, 11-15 December, 2006.
  5. S. Soula, O. van der Velde, T. Neubert, Characteristics of Thunderstorms Producing Sprites Over France, Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, USA, 11-15 December, 2006.
  6. O. van der Velde, A. Mika, S. Soula, C. Haldoupis, T. Neubert, U. Inan, Lightning discharge processes generating carrot and column sprites, European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2006, Vienna, Austria, 2-7 April 2006.
  7. O. van der Velde, Characteristics of sprite-generating thunderstorms, CAL third-year meeting, Cambridge, England, January 9-11 2006.
  8. J. Montanyà, D. Romero, N. Pineda, J.R. Hermoso, G. Solà, D. Martínez, First steps on the "Eagle nest" instrumented tower in Spain, 28 th International Conference on Lightning Protection, (Japan), 2006.
  9. J. Montanyà, V. March, N. Pineda, A. Illa, D. Romero, Experimental evaluation of the catalan lightning detection Network in Spain, 28 th International Conference on Lightning Protection, (Japan), 2006.
  10. D. Romero, J. Montaña (UNAL), J. Montanyà (UPC), D. Garriga, V. March, R. Martínez, Quasi-static approximation of concentrated ground electrodes: Experimental results, 28 th International Conference on Lightning Protection, (Japan), 2006.
  11. J. Montanyà, B. Hermoso, A. Illa, P. Rodríguez, D. Romero, A method approach for lightning return stroke characterization, EMC Zurich, (Switzerland), 2005.
  12. J. Montañá, 2004 Electromagnetic fields measurement campaign, European Lightning Detection Workshop, 2005.
  13. P. Rodríguez, J. Pou, R. Pindado, J. Montanyà, R. Burgos, D. Boroyevich, An alternative approach on three-dimensional space-vector modulation of three-phase inverters, 36th IEEE Power Electronics Specialist Conference (PESC), (Brazil), 2005.
  14. J. Montanyà, 2004 experimental studies in spain related with CAL (Coupling of Atmospheric Layers) - Mid-term Review and Science Meeting, (France), 2005.
  15. T. Neubert, U. Inan, R. A. Marshall, E. Blanc, T. Farges, C. Haldoupis, A. Mika, S. Soula and O. van der Velde,  Co-ordinated observations of sprites, IAGA, Toulouse, France, July 18-29 2005.
  16. O. van der Velde, S. Soula, T. H. Allin, T. Neubert, Sprites in relation to their parent thunderstorm system and lightning activity: Results from the 2003 campaign, CAL Mid-term science meeting, Elounda, Crete, June 20-24 2005.
  17. O. van der Velde, S. Soula, L. Knutsson, T. Neubert, T. Allin, Total lightning activity associated with sprite events observed over France on 23 July and 28 August 2003, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 24-29, 2005.
  18. J. Montañá, D. Romero, Las descargas atmosféricas y sus efectos en EMC, Spanish EMC IEEE Society Chapter, 2005.
  19. D. Romero, J. Montañá, A. Candela, Behaviour of the wind-turbines under lightning strokes including nonlinear grounding system, International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality (ICREPQ), 2004.
  20. J. Montanyà, J. Bergas, N. Pineda, J. Bech, T. Rigo, A. Illa, B. Hermoso, Analysis of the electric field changes due to lightning during Catalonia thunderstorms in summer 2003, 18th International Lightning Detection Conference, (Finland), 2004.
  21. N. Pineda, J. Bech, T. Rigo, J. Montanyà, A study of thunderstorm characteristics using lightning and weather radar observations, 18th International Lightning Detection Conference, (Finland), 2004.
  22. J. Montanyà, Analysis of the charge transferred by lightning during Catalonia (Spain) thunderstorms, 17th International Wroclaw Symposium and Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), (Poland), 2004.
  23. J. Montañá, B. Hermoso, J. Bergas, A. Illa, D. Romero, Analysis of lightning electric field changes produced by Catalonia (Spain) thunderstorms, 27th International Conference on Lightning Protection, (France), 2004.
  24. J.A. Martínez-Velasco, F. Castro, D. Romero, J. Montañá, An emtp model for the grounding impedance of overhead transmission lines. Sensitivity analysis, 27th International Conference on Lightning Protection, (France), 2004.
  25. J. Montanyà, A. Illa, B. Hermoso, D. Romero, A simple method to estimate the return stroke current from close electric field measurements, Ground '2004 and 1st. Lightning physics and effects, (Brazil), 2004.
  26. J. Montañá, J.R. Hermoso, D. Romero, B. Hermoso, Resultado de las medidas de campo eléctrico y electrostático para la caracterización de rayos, XIV reunión de grupos de investigación en ingeniería eléctrica, 2004.
  27. J. Montañá, Natural electrostatic field measurements at ground level: Basis and experimental results, 3rd. International Conference on experiences with automatic weather stations, 2003.
  28. J. Montanyà, J. Bergas, B. Hermoso, Cepstrum application to electrostatic field on lightning prediction, 12th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity (ICAE), France, 2003.
  29. J. Montañá, J. Bergas, P. Rodríguez, B. Hermoso, Homomorphic deconvolution of the electrostatic field in storm conditions, PowerTech, IEEEE, Bologna, Italy, 2003.
  30. D. MacGorman, D. Rust, O. van der Velde, M. Askelson, P. Krehbiel, and R. Thomas, Lightning Relative to Precipitation and Tornadoes in a Supercell Storm, 12th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, in Versailles, France, June 2003.
  31. D. MacGorman, D. Rust, O. van der Velde, M. Askelson, P. Krehbiel, R. Thomas, B. Rison, 2001: Lightning Relative to Graupel Occurrence in a Tornadic Supercell Storm during MEaPRS, Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, USA, 8-12 December, 2003.
  32. J. Montañá, J. Bergas, B. Hermoso, Deconvolución homomórfica del campo electrostático en el estudio del rayo, XIII reunion de grupos de investigación en ingeniería eléctrica, 2003.
  33. J. Montanyà, El camp electrostàtic en tempestes, IX jornades de conferències d'enginyeria electrònica, 2003.
  34. J. Montañá, Caracterización en el laboratorio de un pararrayos con dispositivo de cebado, XII reunión de grupos de investigación en ingeniería eléctrica, 2002.
  35. D. Romero, J. Montañá, R. Horta, Coordinación entre las protecciones de sobrecorriente y sobretensiones, XII reunión de grupos de investigación en ingeniería eléctrica, 2002.
  36. R. Horta, J. Montañá, D. Romero, El diagrama de funcionamiento eléctrico Blondel-Thielemans aplicado a líneas eléctricas, XII reunión de grupos de investigación en ingeniería eléctrica, 2002.
  37. J. Montañá, J. Bergas, B. Hermoso, Natural electric field measurements applied as a predictive system against lightning in power systems, Power and Energy Systems, (EUROPES), 2002.
  38. J. Montanyà, Mesura del camp electrostàtic aplicat a la detecció de descàrregues atmosfèriques, VIII jornades de conferències d'enginyeria electrònica, (JCEE), 2002.
  39. J. Montañá, J. Bergas, B. Hermoso, Electric field measurements at ground level as a basis for lightning hazard warning system, 26th International Conference on Lightning Protection, (Poland), 2002.
  40. J. Montañá, J. Bergas, B. Hermoso, Work on electric field measurement applied to lightning predictive protection, 17th International Lightning Detection Conference, (EEUU), 2002.
  41. J.I. Candela, R. Horta, J. Montanyà, P. Rodríguez, Modelos de motores paso a paso y de sus elementos de control para realización de ensayos en Matlab®/Simulink, XI reunión de grupos de investigación en ingeniería eléctrica, 2001.
  42. R. Horta, J.I. Candela, P. Rodríguez, J. Montanyà, Programa informático de cálculo de la compatibilidad electromagnética en líneas aéreas de alta tensión para la aplicación a la docencia, XI reunión de grupos de investigación en ingeniería eléctrica, 2001
  43. J. Montanyà, Energía y parámetros en generadores de impulso de corriente para 100 kA, XI reunión de grupos de investigación en ingeniería eléctrica, 2001.
  44. J. Montañá, P. Rodríguez, J.I. Candela, R. Horta, Implementación de un filtro activo de potencia monofásico basado en un DSP TMS320F240, XI reunión de grupos de investigación en ingeniería eléctrica, 2001.
  45. J.I. Candela, R. Horta, P. Rodríguez, J. Montanyà, Modelos de motores paso a paso y de sus elementos de control para realización de ensayos en Matlab®/Simulink, 7ª jornadas hispano-lusas de ingeniería eléctrica, 2001.
  46. J. Montañá, P. Rodríguez, J.I. Candela, R. Horta, Implementación de un filtro activo de potencia monofásico basado en un DSP TMS320F240, 7ª jornadas hispano-lusas de ingeniería eléctrica, 2001.
  47. R. Horta, J.I. Candela, P. Rodríguez, J. Montañá, Programa informático de cálculo de la compatibilidad electromagnética en líneas aéreas de alta tensión, 7ª jornadas hispano-lusas de ingeniería eléctrica, 2001.